
The common rules

This website called "copyright" is defined in the Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China for all kinds of interests, but also with other interest defined by regional or national laws for the same. "Copyright" should be respected and protected.

Even if you do not know the Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China or other parts of country-related "copyright", "intellectual property" or similar types of legal, you morally should respect the success of the labor of others, and take care to protect your own interests not be infringed.

All the contents of this website (including but not limited to the layout, color, images, text, layout design, multimedia, audiovisual works, etc.), and its derivative works belong to Shenzhen Conran Decoration Design Engineering Co. Ltd’s Original. It has the full copyright in accordance with “China Copyright Law of the People's Republic ".

For behavior individuals and units against copyright of Shenzhen Conran Decoration Design Engineering Co. Ltd, Shenzhen Conran Decoration Design Engineering Co. Ltd has the right of public notification and reserves the right to pursue their legal obligations.

Limited License

Although the "Terms of Use” of this website expressly authorized that you can copy, distribute content of this site, but it also made ​​it clear that: Right of authorship and the right of integrity of Shenzhen Conran Decoration Design Engineering Co. Ltd must be respected and protected. If you make a copy and distribution of the contents of this site, there is no respect and protection for right of authorship and the right of integrity of Shenzhen Conran Decoration Design Engineering Co. Ltd, Shenzhen Conran Decoration Design Engineering Co. Ltd will pursue your legal responsibility and seek compensation for consequential damages.

Document Description

Shenzhen Conran Decoration Design Engineering Co. Ltd hopes that we (including our own) respect the labor of others, enhance self-awareness of copyright and protect our own interests.

This article was Last Modified: May 31, 2017